Monday, February 2, 2009

A little course on lighting with Marie Claude Hamel and Patrick Cormier.

Hi everyone, 

I just wanted to share some quick images from the day that I spent with Marie CLaude Hamel and Patrick Cormier on various studio lighting possibilities. 

We made 6-7 different lighting situation in studio from some reference images.
Patrick and Marie Claude are very knowledgeable about studio lighting.

I have learned various basic lighting and more advanced lighting techniques during this day!

This is a basic 2 light setup. It's the "sandwhich" technique as I like to call it. One light to camera left and One light to camera right!

This is a more complexe litghing setup. You need at least 5 lights for this setup. 2 lights behind the model at 45 degree angle, 2 lights in front of model at 45 degree angle and 1 ring flash in front. You can add a 6th light behind the subject to create a light halo on the background.

Enjoy and Have a great day, 

Sébastien D'Amour - wedding and lifestyle photographic artist.

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