Thursday, March 19, 2009

My first little video

I everyone, 

Here is a link the a first little clip that I shot straight out of the Canon 5D MarkII.

There is lots of digital noise since the lighting was horrible. I only had 1/100s at ISO 25600 at f1.8

I just wanted to show the quality of the video even in low low light.

More to come...

Sébastien D'Amour- Wedding and lifestyle photographic artist


Benj Madison said...

Wow seb that video is awesome :D

Fred said...

Even if lighting conditions are poor.. the video quality is awesome.

For the price, this camera will never cease to amaze me.


Sebastien D'Amour said...

Thank you everyone.

I have started at looking at accessories for the camera to be able to use it for cinema and video purposes.

We'll see what will come out of this!

SLavallée said...

Very good, I like te fact that you can use a really fast lens and have short depth of field! The colors are really nice too! Any projects with sound?

Sebastien D'Amour said...

the little "glitch at the bottom in the middle of the movie is cars passing by in the street. The reflection of the headlamps is off the bar.